Our Journey ♡


Sssup gaisee. This post is all about Our Journey to Pewlishh. hikhok. The most exiting moment evahhh. Tak percaya? Here we goes :

Kuning? Digi ke ape ni? haha xp

Firstly, kami bertolak malam. Naik Sani y'know? haha. High class gitu :3 Arrived at 6a.m then we have to wait until 8.30. just imagine it? kitorang dah macam merempat tau?
Then, kami dapat bilik masing-2. satu bilik, dua orang. Me with my couple bangla paling sweet. hikhok. Give a big applause to Damia a.k.a DoDee. It is very awesome to have you as my roommate. Bilik kami setaraf Hotel dan kami bahagia *blinkblink*

Petangnya, ceramah ape entah. aku tersengguk. Peace then, it's time. Pewlishh here we go :3

Then, back to hotel. Malamnya, kami dah berpakat nak lepak bilik Linda. Watching movie. Alice In Wonderland! Wohhooo. Diorang pelik tengok aku makan mister potato? err, teruk sangat ke? *ehemm*

The next morning, we'd roammmm the wholeee Pewwlishh. hihi. And this time we're no longer in uniform. yeay!


and THIS! the best moment. MANDI KOLAMMM. the part that we all acting like a child. Well, kami memang bebudak. Bebudak yang comel :3 haha. macam-2 lahh yang kitorang main. main 'cari barang' 'dukung-2' 'menyelam' 'lelompat' the best part 'pemberita tiga kepala' senak woii main tu xD

Malamnya, macam biasa. Movie Timee. Cerita 'Abang Mansor' Bhahaha. Jijik siaaaa. Memula bilik ekin, then i accidently switch off the air cond. hihi. pindah pulak bilik Fatin. Finally, kami ENAM orang tidur satu bilik. Yang aku sesedap rasa tidur atas katil, meanwhile yang lain tidur bawah. peace ^^v

Ehh, teringat kisah Fatin kena mengintai dengan mamat muka flirting. Apakkk lahh you. 

Tak lupa juga kisah 'Tudung Terbakar' auchhhhh. Bukan terbakar sebab iron. Ianya terbakar sebab mentol. haha. Aku yang terlebih 'bijak'. kesian damia TT^TT

itu lahh tudungnya. Can't understand the picture? okay pretend to. 

Then, kisah 'Kunci Hilang! Ohh god menggelabah cari kunci. Sampaikan kitorang angkat katil. Last-2 we'd found it beside TV je? And the awkward moment is KENAPA KITORANG TAK JUMPA?

Makan ABC dekat sana sumpah best! It just like Gunung Kinabalu kay? With icecream on the top. Please jelly :3

The next morning, kami pergi Thailand! WeeeHooooo :D Cuaca dekat situ lain macam. It's sweltering but windy? nvm :)

Thai :D dekat sini seriously ramai mamat kachak *ehem* tapi bukan abng yang depan tu lah xD

Lastly, we check out and arrived at train station at 7 p.m. Yess! kami balik menaiki Kereta api. Chochoo. But Sumpah i'm not gonna take a train ride anymore. its about 10 hours in the train. Dalam kereta api saya hanya mampu beli burger. RM5 y'know? silly. And Alhamdulillah we arrived at school about 8a.m. 

-waiting for the train.
Okay that's all. Maaf lah post kali ini panjang berjelee. First time buat post panjang *joget*
-My best friends aren't perfect but they could make me happy, have fun and enjoy my life and that's more than perfect- 

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